Dijana Bahtijari

Dijana Bahtijari

Dijana Bahtijari was born in 1984 in Split. She is the director of the publishing house TIM Press. In her extensive publishing career, she edited numerous Croatian publications of major works by renowned international authors and has planned, organized, and coordinated many projects and events.  
From the many titles she has edited, the following stand out: “Antropologija i moderni svijet” by Claude Lévi-Strauss, “Plemstvo duha”, “Vječiti povratak fašizma”, “Povratak Europe”,”Škola života”, and “Umijeće postajanja čovjekom” by Rob Riemen, “Spoznaja, neznanje, misterij” by Edgar Morin, “Filozofiju usamljenosti”,"Filozofiju zla”, “Filozofiju slobode”, “Filozofiju nade”, and other works by the Norwegian philosopher Lars Svendsen, “A što ako vrijeme ne postoji”, “Anaksimandrova revolucija”, “Stvarnost nije kakvom se čini”,and “Na krilima leptira” by the Italian physicist Carlo Rovelli, and “Moja Rusija” by Mihail Šiškin. She organized numerous cultural events aimed to promoting the publishing work of TIM Press, participated in panels and book presentations, popularized certain topics through authored articles, and brought authors such as Rob Riemen, Philip Zimbardo, Lars Svendsen, Ari Turunen, Costica Bradatan, Sigri Sandberg, and Enzo Traverso to Croatia. She has translated several books from English, including “Druga vrsta ludila” by Stephen Hinshaw, “Umrijeti za ideje” (with Hrvoje Gračanin, and “U slavu neuspjeha” (with Marko Maras) by Costica Bradatan.