Alenka Zupančič

Alenka Zupančič (Ljubljana, 1996) is a Slovenian philosopher, social theorist, and one of the leading members of the Ljubljana School of Psychoanalysis. She studied in Ljubljana and Paris and acquired her doctorate at the University of Ljubljana and Université Paris VIII. She holds the scientific advisor position at the Centre for Scientific Research of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts in Ljubljana. She is a full-time professor at the European Graduate School in Switzerland. Mrs. Zupančić is the editor-in-chief of the Slovenian journal Problemi and the literary collection Analecta (published by The Society for Theoretical Psychoanalysis in Ljubljana). Together with Slavoj Žižek and Mladen Dolar, she is the editor of the literary collection Short Connections published by MIT Press. She has written numerous scientific articles and books, including Etika realnega: Kant, Lacan; Nietzsche: filozofija dvojega; Ubaci uljeza. O komediji; Što je seks?, Pustila bi jih trohneti: Antigonina paralaksa i Disavowal. Her works have been translated into 11 languages. The Croatian translations include Realno iluzije, Ubaci uljeza. O komediji and Poricanje.