Iva Đorđa Nemec

Iva Đorđa Nemec is a professor of Croatian and Italian studies, a producer, and a university specialist in drama pedagogy. She founded the organization KALEIDO, which has been implementing applied theater and promoting the art of kamishibai in Croatia since 2010. She also initiated the drama pedagogy library "Šlagvort," dedicated to promoting applied theater and kamishibai art. Through her work in drama pedagogy, she focuses on enhancing teaching practices and encouraging reading through process drama and creative expression in the theater medium. Nemec received an award from the Croatian Centre for Drama Education in 2023 in recognition of her outstanding contributions to the development of drama pedagogy in Croatia and beyond. Since 2018, she has lectured on Drama Education, Puppetry, Theater Culture, and Children's Literature at teacher training faculties in Zagreb, Čakovec, Pula, and Maribor, as well as at the Storytelling Academy in Zagreb. She collaborates with the KLIKER Children's Dance and Play Festival in Varaždin, where she leads mediation programs and manages the informal dance education and theater literacy program KLIK KLUB. Nemec is one of the co-authors of the drama pedagogy manual Igrom do (spo)razumijevanja (2020) and the author of the drama pedagogy handbook Početnica kamišibaja – osnove pripovijedanja s pomoću slika (2024).