Gorka Ostojić Cvajner

Gorka Ostojić Cvajner was born in Zagreb. She attended primary school in Pazin, Vodnjan, and Pula, where she completed her secondary education at a grammar school. She graduated in Art History and French language from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Zagreb.
As the head of visual arts activities, she worked at the Labin National Museum and as a secretary of the Labin Studios, a collaborator of the Mediterranean Sculpture Symposium, and a member of its Expert Council, later becoming its vice president and president. After returning to Pula, she joined RO FJIF as the head of the foreign guests and design department, eventually becoming the director of FJIF, MAFAF, Pula Summer of Culture, the Opera Season, and finally, the Pula Film Festival. As an investor, together with a team of expert collaborators and 12 artists, she carried out the renovation, reconstruction, adaptation, and extension of the Istrian National Theatre in Pula, which had been closed for 18 years. She continued her work there as head of visual arts activities until she founded the private Cvajner Gallery in Pula. As chair of the working group for the establishment of the Museum of Contemporary Art of Istria, organized by the Istrian County, she became the director of the institution, a position held until her retirement.