Juraj Magud

A law graduate and lawyer by profession, Juraj Magud is best known as the co-founder - alongside Vlaho Mujo - and host of the immensely popular all-Konavle quiz show 'Konoteka' (The Quiz of Konavle). Since 'Konoteka' first aired in 1999, the beloved native of Gruda has delighted audiences with his witty remarks in every edition of the show to date. His amateur hosting career began back in the fourth grade of elementary school when he hosted the Santa Claus welcome event in Gruda. In addition to 'Konoteka' and 'Konovizija' (Konavlevision), he has hosted 'Prvi pljesak' (First Applause), the Konavle version of 'Ljubav na selu' (Love in the Countryside), and many other events. Juraj has also dabbled in acting, performing with the Ariel theater troupe in two plays — 'Kazališni sat' (A Theater Lesson) and 'Hajdemo skakati po tim oblacima' (Let’s Jump on Those Clouds). A passionate quiz enthusiast, he remains a dedicated fan even though he no longer participates as a contestant. His life motto is: "Live and let die."