Alen i Nenad Sinkauz

Alen Sinakuz (Pula, 1978) and Nenad Sinakuz (Pula,1980) are composers, musicians, and performers. They both graduated in Musicology and Ethnomusicology in Padua. The Sinakuz brothers compose and shape music for feature-length and short films, musical, dance and theater shows, radio broadcasts, as well as site-specific, and multidisciplinary performances. They collaborate with prominent film and theater directors and visual and video artists in the country and abroad. They won five Golden Arena awards and prizes for original film music at the Croatian Film Days. They are the founders of the band East Rodeo with whom they released three albums, and the audiovisual project Day of the Year, releasing 309th Day of the Year – Live at Kino SC. They are co-founders of an impro big band CRI Orchestra, which gathers around twenty musicians from Croatia, and the experimental trio Roj Osa. In 2010 they started the International Festival of Experimental and Improvised Music Audioart in Pula. They are the founders of the artistic organization P137.